Friday, February 12, 2010

Hey Playmate Where Are You?

Eve Ensler was quoted at TED today as saying  "I hope girls will learn to play, not please." I don't know what she stands for or what her talk was about. But, there is some truth to explore in her quote. Do I endorse her ~ I'll get back to you. Endorse this quote~YES.  

Playfulness is enticing. Sauciness. Flirting. Teasing. When did the cart come before the horse? I know women who live to please their husbands, making both miserable.

I've gone through all the myriad hormonal seasons of child-bearing, PMS and now menopause. As  I age, I want to fight becoming crotchety,cranky, bitter and cryptic. It would be sad to end up flat and shriveled up inside too. This is 'NO' to becoming dull and brittle.

Why did we ever begin trying to win their approval, instead of simply enjoying life and playing with them? We had their approval in the beginning, already. They were pleased when they chose us. 

There is nothing more attractive than an enthused woman. Sparkling eyes alive with interest are magnetic. Having fun and laughing costs less than a face lift or cosmetics. We do all this stuff to our hair, skin and bodies trying to look airbrushed, but miss being his playmate. And I'm not talking the puffy tailed- rabbit eared kind. Sensuous and romantic is about so much more than sex. It's about a way of living and seeing. It's a way of experiencing life in 3D. Laughing raises endorphins and a good hard belly laugh is almost as good as...

The irony is, if we're playful, there is nothing that pleases more. Men seem easily pleased. It's why they married us - then we change, forget, get serious, scared, resentful and dutiful. I think they miss the playful girl they fell in love with. 

Remember that song when we were little~ "Hey hey hey playmate, come out and play with me..."

Happy Valentine's Day - See you on the playground girlfriend. 


  1. The Ensler TED talk is worth listening to; and she does an incredible performance at the end of it. I don't always agree with what Ensler says but what she's doing with her new project is quite wonderful.

  2. Isn't it wonderful to not have to agree with everything someone says, while enjoying the good parts? For me this has come with maturity. Well said Maureen, I will check out her TED talk. Thx.


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